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Friday, 30 September 2011

List Building Secret #37

List Building Secret #37 - Get Other Newsletter Publishers To Mention You Constantly

One of the best ways to get free subscribers is to get other publishers to mention you constantly. This build a relationship with their subscribers and when they join your newsletter they will already know a lot about you and be looking forward to receiving your emails.

So how do you get other publishers to mention you in their newsletters? Do something news worthy! Hold a contest, claim to know something no one else does, tell publishers a little tip that you learn and that they are free to tell their subscribers as well.

Build relationships with these publishers and become their friends!

List Building Secret #36

List Building Secret #36 - Send Testimonials To Products You've Used

This is an easy way to get a trickle of new subscribers daily to your newsletter. Whenever you use a product or service you really like, send them a great, glowing testimonial and they will gladly put it up on their website and put a link to your website with it.

The trick here tho is to get as many people who read your testimonial to your website and to subscribe to your newsletter.

The best way to do this is to register a new domain name solely for catching subscribers from testimonials, something catchy, and put a name squeeze page as your main page.

You will slowly get a nice stream of new subscribers everyday for as long as the product or service is selling for.

List Building Secret #35

List Building Secret #35 - Give Permission To People To Use Your Newsletter In Their Own Works

Tell people who are already subscribed to your newsletter that they can pass the newsletter on to friends and also use parts or all of your newsletter in their ezine.

Of course you would get credit and a link back to your site. This is sort of like article writing, just with your newsletter issue in replace of your article.

List Building Secret #34

List Building Secret #34 - Setup A Continuous Thank You For Subscribing Page

This is something that no one is doing at all that I know of and I'm pretty sure no one is doing it at all or ever.

As you know, when someone signs up for your newsletter at your website, they are then taken to another page that confirms their subscription.

Most people just put something like "Thank you for subscribing to my newsletter, why not check out this product" and really don't make use of this extra bit of advertising that they have to use.

The idea I've been tinkering with is to setup a continuous thank you page. After your subscriber signs up for your newsletter and they go to your thank you page, why not offer them a chance to sign up for another newsletter or E-course you might have.

This way, you could possibly get the same subscriber on 3 or 4 of your lists. So everytime they subscribe to one of your lists, they are taken to another thank you page that asks them to subscribe to another of your lists, and so on.

I think this is a great idea and it's something I will be using a lot of.

Thursday, 29 September 2011

List Building Secret #33

List Building Secret #33 - Contact Previous Customers And Clients

This is just another simple method most people over look, but they don't realise just how powerful it is.

If you already have a list of customers or prospects, tell them your starting an ezine and let them know they can subscribe anytime they like and get all the information for free.

These people have already proven their interest in you or what your selling, so it makes perfect sense they would want to hear from you more often then they already are (if at all!)

List Building Secret #32

List Building Secret #32 - Start Your Own Forum

This is a great way to get new subscribers to your newsletter. Building a community within your website brings back repeat visitors, which means people will more then likely sign up for your newsletter if they keep coming back.

You can see an example of this at and go look at the forum. He has his newsletter signup form there and product recommendations. People love to help other people and answer their questions, so after awhile you won't need to be answering many questions yourself.

The best way to start your own forum is to do it yourself with software and host it on your own webhosting. Don't use a 3rd party service, especially free ones.

A good piece of forum software can be found at

List Building Secret #31

List Building Secret #31 - Setup A Free E-Course For New Subscribers

This step doesn't have to be difficult. This free course is the vehicle to promote whatever it is you want to promote, whether it be an affiliate program, your newsletter (which is a given) or your own product. It will also be the catalyst that allows you to contact these leads as often as you want.

I will warn you now, however, that you don't want to contact them everyday, maybe not every week, only when you have something substantial to email to them. This keeps your list happy, and not full of junk emails that no one will end up reading.

First off though, we need a title for your report. No one is even going to subscribe if it doesn't interest them.

This is where a lot of writers really wreck a perfectly good report. You have to make your title as exciting and straight to the point as possible.

Here are a few examples of very poor titles.

Make Money Online

Migraine Relief Report

Create Your Own Products Easily

Play Cricket Like A Pro

I might have been a little harsh to say that they are poor titles, they just lack any spark or imagination.

Here are a few suggestions I have to spruce those titles up, and these can be used in any other titles as well.

Make Money Online In 7 Days With Residual Income Affiliate Programs

Stop Migraines In 5 Easy Steps

Create Sizzling Digital Products Instantly, That Sell Like Crazy

Bat Like Border And Bowl Like Lee, Play Cricket Like A Pro!

So what is the easiest way to create your own free 5 day course?

The best way to create your free course is to write 5 or so articles yourself on the subject your promoting and putting it into a free course.

The problem most people have when they try and do this is that they try and write thousands of words all at once and they get tired and never complete it.

If you break it down into sections, it's a lot easier. For example, if I was to write a free course on creating your own fishing lures for profit, I would write something like this.

Article 1: Why fishing lures are so profitable

Article 2: How to create your own fishing lures from your table

Article 3: How to automate the whole lure making process

Article 4: How to market your lures offline

Article 5: How to market your lures on a budget online

And in each of these articles, I would weave an affiliate link into somewhere or mention my newsletter. The information has to be of high quality and not just a blatant plug-a-thon. If you do this, you will certainly get a lot of people unsubscribing from your list.

Of course you can't really just send your prospects a bunch of articles, you have to weave them together. For instance, the first email they get could be a thank you for subscribing email, with a don't forget to get your free gift line in there somewhere. This first email, you should try and hook your prospects, so if you have an article section that's better then the rest, put it in the first day.

Tuesday, 27 September 2011

List Building Secret #30

List Building Secret #30 - Setup A Membership Site Just For Subscribers

Want to really boost your subscription rate? Start your own membership site solely for your newsletter subscribers. You can see a real example at

The key here is to make sure your content is fantastic, so much so that you could actually have paying customers for it.

Keep it updated constantly.

The problem with most membership scripts is their security features, or lack there of, and I've found one script that I'm really happy with and it's under $100.  

Another thing that can come in handy when running a membership site is an organizational tool. If you've had any experience with running a membership site, after awhile you get quite a lot of content and being able to organize that content for easy reading for your affiliates is crucial.  

Article Manager -

is a content management software tool designed to let non-technical users manage a news-oriented website. Manage articles and categories, multiple writers and editors. Upload images, create content with the WYSIWYG editor, syndicate your content, and more. It can save a busy webmaster hours of tedious HTML edits every day. 

List Building Secret #29

List Building Secret #29 - Don't Buy Mass Email Lists

I was just reading a post on a well known marketing forum today and I read a post from one guy who said he had access to a list of 800,000 email addresses from people who were interested in making money.

He said his friend owned the list and was willing to let him use it for a mailing, but he said not to mention his name at all in the mailing.

This should have been the first alarm bell for this guy. Not to mention that this guy wasn't sure how the list was compiled or how the people subscribed to this list.

It wasn't even just one big mailing list, it was a bunch of lists stuck together.

If this guy does decide to mail to this list, he will be accused of spam, he will get into major trouble and he will NOT make any money worth the effort.

Never EVER send emails out to lists you don't  know anything about EVER. Never buy bulk email lists.

List Building Secret #28

List Building Secret #28 - Make Sure To Keep Your Newsletter Off Spam Lists!

Here are some very useful tips to make sure you stay out of hot water when it comes to being called a spammer.

* Make Sure Your Email Message is Compliant with the CAN-SPAM Law.

* Make sure your list is double opt-in

* Keep detailed records of all subscribes and unsubscribes. IP addresses, when they subscribed when they unsubscribed.

* Don't ever purchase bulk email lists or harvest emails from the Internet

* If you use co-registration companies, make sure they are reputable and don't use shady methods of traffic gathering.

* If you have an Affiliate Program, make sure you include an "anti-spam" provision in your agreement.

* Avoid using spam trigger words like "spam, free, special, guaranteed" etc....

Monday, 26 September 2011

List Building Secret #27

List Building Secret #27 - Give Your Newsletter Personality

What makes you different from any of the other newsletters out there in your market? 1 thing and 1 thing only.


Don't be a lifeless drone, add some spark to your writing, be funny, be witty, be controversial, just don't be boring!

Tell a story. Stories are a great way to get people hooked before they realize you are actually selling them anything at all.

Find below a story I used to promote a work at home affiliate program.

Are You Different?

I don't know about you, but I've always thought I was different to my peers. This is an amusing story that will probably strike a cord with most people who read this book.

When the kids at my school were playing at lunch time, like kids do, I was setting up shop just outside the main oval. The canteen at school never really sold much in the sweet variety, so I use to bring mine to school from the local store as they were much cheaper and had more variety.

I use to come to school with a bag full of lollies and let me tell you, I was one popular kid. Kids were always asking me for lollies all day and it was getting very annoying, so I had to do something quick.

I got sick of giving my hard earned pocket money lollies out for free, so I decided to set up my own little black market lollies trade. I use to buy all sorts of different lollies you could not get from school and I then raised the price 500%. I purchased lollies for 10 cents and sold them for over 50 cents. The market was so big, I had to actually double my supply. In one day I could make $20 just by selling lollies I brought for $5.

Of course, I had certain "high roller" clients that I would give cheaper prices to, which was only fair, as they brought in most of my business. I also had a few people that you gave free lollies too, just to keep the peace.

Eventually more people started doing what I was doing and I had a little competition on my hands.

I stopped selling lollies after a few months as the demand was getting to hectic and the local store had called my mother.

I knew I had a passion in life, but I didn't realise what it was until I was in grade 10 and I quit school to pursue a career in direct mail. Marketing was and is my life, I love it. I read everything I can get my hands on and I have a collection of books that resemble a bookstore.  Of course back then I wasn't sure if I wanted to do anything seriously with marketing, but I knew I didn't want to work for anyone but myself.

Everyday I stop and think about what I would be doing if I didn't find out about the joys of working from home, and I never would have if it was not for my father who taught me there is more to life then working 9 till 5 everyday.

List Building Secret #26

List Building Secret #26 - Press Releases: Not Dead, Just Evolved

Mark Twain once said the rumors of his death had been greatly exaggerated. The same may be said for the press release. It’s not dead, but its mission has evolved.

Those PR practitioners who are spreading these death rumors would have you believe that press releases should never be written, nor distributed. I take issue with this old-school thinking.

Now, inundating the media with press releases has not been a good practice since shortly after Edward Bernays opened the first PR firm in 1919. Any competent PR person has known for years that garnering media coverage almost never directly happens due to a press release. However, that is fodder for another article.

Let’s talk about the evolution of the press release into a solid tool for helping organizations deliver key messages to multiple audiences in the digital age.

In the not-so-distant pre-Internet past, press releases were aimed solely at trade and consumer media outlets. The media acted as the gatekeepers, taking your information and making decisions about how, or if, to use it.

Organizations today are able to bypass the media filter in a number of ways, thanks to the net.

Consider this: both journalists and consumers use the web for research. More than 550 million searches are done daily via the web. And, every month, US web-users conduct 27 million searches at Yahoo! News, Google News or other news search engines. According to recent surveys by Middleberg/Ross and the Pew Internet Project, we learn that:

- 98 percent of journalists go online daily

- 92 percent do it for article research

- 76 percent to find new sources and experts

- 73 percent to find press releases

- 68 million Americans go online daily

- 30 percent use a search engine to find information

- 27 percent go online to get news

But you need to think differently about writing your releases in this new age. You can extend the power of your press releases beyond the media by positioning them for search engine pick up. In effect, your press releases become a long-lasting, online, searchable database about your organization.

Once properly written with both readers and search engines in mind, you need to distribute the release. PR Web™ and PR Newswire are my two favorite ways to get the message out. Both services help you reach into the newsroom and beyond.

PR Web emails press releases daily to between 60,000 - 100,000 global contacts points.

Journalists, analysts, freelance writers, media outlets and newsrooms, as well as your average web users are signed up to receive this information. Also, it distributes releases via FTP, XML feeds and through a network of its own websites. PR Web-related sites are in the top 2,500 most visited sites. Every release sent out through PR Web is optimized for search engines, and PR Web guarantees your release will be picked up by Yahoo!, which is the number one most visited website on the Internet.

Does it work, you ask? Let me provide a recent example. I used PR Web to send out a release about my client Brent Dees and his Focus Four training for entrepreneurs. The editor of Leadership Excellence emailed me after seeing the release and asked Brent to write an article for his magazine.

The granddaddy of press release services is PR Newswire, which distributes directly into the central editing computers at daily newspapers, newsweeklies, national news services, trade publications and broadcast newsrooms.

It reaches a total of 22,000 media points in the US alone. All releases are distributed to and archived in more than 3,600 web sites, databases and online services. Additionally, PR Newswire’s website is in the top 2,000 most visited sites on the Internet.

Finally, let’s take a look at the online media room. Its primary purpose is to provide journalists with easily accessible data about the organization, such as executive bios, earnings figures, key contacts and other solid, factual information. An organization also should place news releases here, particularly those aimed at key stakeholders like employees, strategic allies, and investors.

Technology savvy consumers often visit online media rooms for the same reason journalists do: they expect to find factual information there.

Churning out releases and dumping them willy-nilly on the media is a dumb practice. But using releases as a strategic weapon to reach key audiences across the digital divide is smart PR. Practitioners who believe the news release is dead need to evolve, or they will be the moribund ones.

Harry Hoover is managing principal of Hoover ink PR . He has 26 years of experience in crafting and delivering bottom line messages that ensure success for serious businesses like Brent Dees Financial Planning, Focus Four, Levolor, New World Mortgage, North Carolina Tourism, Ty Boyd Executive Learning Systems, VELUX and Verbatim

List Building Secret #23

List Building Secret #23 - Create And Sell Ebooks With Reprint Rights

This is just a very quick overview, but if you want more information on creating Ebooks, I suggest you visit 2 sites.

My favorite site is Bryan Winters’ exclusive membersite at It's full of the best information on marketing and the cost is very low compared to what you get from it.

The next product solely focuses on creating your own information products the quick and easy way and is by Ewen Chia. You can find it at It's a one off fee for $47 and it comes in Ebook format ironically enough.

Now, back to my explanation.

Whether you like it or not, having your own product gives you more flexibility in your online advertising AND believe it or not, compiling an Ebook is no more then a weeks work part time if done correctly and IF you do it this way the profits will come in for life.

I have checks coming in still from work I did 2 years ago, thanks to the power of residual income affiliate programs and viral marketing Ebooks.

Ok, lets get down to the nitty gritty. What is a viral marketing Ebook and why should you create one?

A viral marketing Ebook is a book which sole purpose is to be spread around the Internet quickly, by any means possible. It's not meant to make you money on the front end. You want other people selling it and giving it away to as many people as possible.


Because the inside of that book is full of affiliate links to other peoples products and every time someone gives away your book or sells it, (depending on how you want to do it) more people will be seeing your affiliate links, and this is costing you what? NOTHING? Exactly!

The best examples I could give you of this process would be by Yanik Silver. He created 2 marketing books that spread over the Internet like wildfire. He gave everyone who purchased the book for $19 or $17 (depending on the book) the rights to sell it or give it away to their customers.

Needless to say, thousands of people starting selling it and promoting it all over the Internet. To this day, he is still earning good money from that book, plus he became one of the most well known Internet Marketers to date.

So how do you go about creating your own viral marketing Ebook?

Here are the steps.

1) Come up with a product idea based on your affiliate program you've already chosen and are already promoting.

Coming up with ideas isn't hard. For example, and I know I use this example a lot, BUT, If you are going to be promoting a sports betting affiliate program, why not create a book on becoming a successful punter. Then throughout the book, you can recommend your favorite sports betting affiliate program.

101 insider secrets to sports betting
How to bet with other peoples money

A good way to come up with ideas is to look at what others are already selling and mimic that. You don't need to recreate the wheel here, so PLEASE don't make things harder then they have to be.

2) Get the tools you need to succeed

You are going to need a few tools here.

A) A domain name

I register all my domain names with for under $9 a domain name, which to me is pretty darn cheap. You want a fairly short domain name that describes the content of your book fairly well.

Here's an example for you people promoting sport betting affiliate programs.


B) Webhosting

Let me say first, you get what you pay for. This has never been more true then with webhosting. YOU NEED a good reliable webhosting company with 24/7 technical support. If your site goes down and you can't contact anyone to help you get it back up, you will lose sales and a lot of them.

I recommend you use for the simple fact they offer all you need, plus a lot more for a reasonable price.

C) Autoresponder

You will need this so you can contact your prospects that don't purchase straight away. This is where you will give away your free course or someway to entice them to give you their email address so you can contact them periodically.

D) Credit card processor

Just use This step is too easy. They will let you accept all major credit cards and start an affiliate program for a one time setup fee of under $50. They do take a percentage of every sale, but this is so much cheaper then getting your own merchant account.

Just about everyone selling Ebooks online is using Clickbank.

E) Ebook Software

You will more then likely want to create your book in PDF format so everyone can read it. Some Ebooks come in EXE format, but mac users can't read that format, so I find it best to use PDF. You can create your book with for a fairly cheap price.

F) Graphic Design Software

If you are anything like me, your artistic abilities peaked at age 7. So instead of busting my hump to create my Ebook covers and website graphics I use http://www.ecovergenerator.comand for all my graphics. They are great pieces of software that you can use instead of hiring graphic designers.

I do however recommend one graphic designer by the name of Brian Terry. You can view his work at

3) Outline your book chapters into articles

Writing a whole book in one sitting is hard, and trying to write a book without outlining the chapters is nearly impossible. My first book I ever wrote took me over 6 months but now most of my books take me less then a week to finish and that is with a sales letter and website up.

All you have to do is think up 12 to 15 article topics in sequence and write about them. Each page should be around 700 to 1000 words, full of useful information, not information people could get for free.

4) Write your content

Like I said just before, you need original content. There are too many books out there now where people are just regurgitating information others can get for free and this lowers the value of your book, which means less people will pass it around and even less will read it.

If you are really stuck with your writing, I suggest that you do the following.
The best way to get a good amount of original information without writing it yourself is to interview experts in the field. For instance, if you were writing a book about improving your golf handicap, I'm sure it wouldn't be too hard to find some local experts who you could grill in person, over the phone or even via the Internet and you can then put all that information in the book. It's also a good selling point.

Also remember when your writing what the point of this book is. The point of the book is to earn you an on going commission with affiliate programs, so don't feel like you can't throw some affiliate links in, because you can, but make sure it's tactful and in place.

Another good idea would be to put a "Subscribe to my newsletter" section in your book as well, so not only will you make commissions on sales, but also generate leads without doing any extra work.

Make sure you clearly state in the front of the book, that the buyer can sell this book as his own. State that he has Resell Rights to the product and can sell it or give it away if he chooses.

5) Create your sales letter

This is where you will be selling your book from and is critically crucial to your success.

Creating a sales letter takes a lot of work, especially if your new to the whole thing. The best way and the way I use, is to mimic successful sales letters.

I recommend you have a look at the following sales letters selling Ebooks.

If for some reason you think you can't do this by yourself, you have 2 options.

1) Use software that helps put together your sales letter


2) Hire a copywriter

Software is great and there a 2 options out there. The first one is by Yanik Silver and by Armand Morin. They are just as good as each other.

However, if you want to hire a professional copywriter, your looking at thousands of dollars, plus royalties from your book sales.

Remember that your selling this book with reprint rights, which means when they buy the book they can sell it as well. This is a huge selling point for you. You will also be giving them your Ebook cover, website graphics and sales letter to use to sell your product.

6) Plug in your free 5 day autoresponder series

The best way to write your free 5 day course that your prospect get via your pop up window is to take chapters out of your book and put them in as a free teaser.

Remember to emphasize an urgency. You want to make these prospects who don't buy straight away, feel like they are missing out on an opportunity of a life time and considering the low price of the book, if they don't buy, more then likely they weren't really interested or were freebie seekers from the start.

7) Advertise!

Depending on your topic, you will want to target different people. However, no matter what topic your selling on, there is one market who will want your book for the sole purpose of selling it, and that's the Internet Marketing group.

Your book could be on Hippo's but all they care about is the fact they can sell it as their own. This is why this type of book always does well.

The key is to target people in your market and then the Internet Marketing crowd.

Sunday, 25 September 2011

List Building Secret #25

List Building Secret #25 - Use A Dynamic Email Signature

This is so simple, yet people forget to even do it or do it properly. If you send out quite a few emails every day, this is a great method to pick up some new subscribers.

All you need to do, is at the end of each email you send out, have a 4 line ad for your newsletter. You could use a classified ad you've already written for ezine advertising.

You will be surprised how many people will sign up for your newsletter.

List Building Secret #24

List Building Secret #24 - Start An Affiliate Program To Promote Your Newsletter

If co-registration doesn't appeal to you, you could start your own affiliate program solely to promote your newsletter.

This has been done before with some success, especially if you know how much your subscribers are worth to you, money wise.

If you know that every subscriber to your newsletter is worth 50 cents to you, you wouldn't mind paying 20, 30, 40 or even 50 cents per subscriber to your affiliates, and that's a pretty good deal for you and them.

Another way, another less risky way is to do the following. Create an ebook, or some sort of digital product, with value, sell it for around $20 to $30 and give affiliates 100% of the sale.

You won't make any money selling the product, but you will get a huge mailing list of not only newsletter subscribers, but customers.

You can see someone doing this exact thing at or

Affiliates are sending him thousands of new subscribers everyday and thousands of customers everyday, because he gives them 100% of the sale of his ebook.

List Building Secret #22

List Building Secret #22 - Network All You Can

Every where you go, network with people.  You never know exactly who you might run into. Let as many people as you can know about what you do and that your the best at it.

Going to seminars and trade events is a great way to network with people in your markets and a great way to start building relationships with key online businesses.

You never know who might be able to help you with something down the track.

Saturday, 24 September 2011

List Building Secret #21

List Building Secret #21 - Use Top Sponsorship Ad's In Ezines

These ads are at the top of the newsletter and are usually the first thing people read. They usually cost about half the price of a solo ad, but they usually don't pull anywhere near as well.

They are also usually 5 to 8 lines long, and you should really concentrate on your headline, and leading them straight to your auto-responder


List Building Secret # 20

List Building Secret # 20 - Use Classified Advertising In Ezines

These are small ads, usually four or five lines long that go out in the ezine itself. They don't work anywhere as well as solo ads, but they are cheap as chips. The secret here again is to write a very compelling headline.

The best way to use classified ads (the best way to use any advertising on the Internet) is to send them straight to your opt-in mailing list from the ad, where you might be promoting a free course via autoresponder all about your product. Once you have their email address, you can contact them over and over again until they buy or unsubscribe.

This is by far the best method of advertising with classified ads.

List Building Secret #19

List Building Secret #19 - Submit To Ezine Directories

The best ezine directories are paid for and they are: and

Here are some free ones:

List Building Secret #18

List Building Secret #18 - Buy Ezine Solo Ads

When ever I advertise with ezines it's usually solely with Solo Ads. These are ads that are sent out by themselves, unlike classified and other ads that go out in the ezine itself.

This ad will go out by itself, so it needs to be a fairly good length. While some people say shorter ads work better for the simple fact the reader has less to read, in reality, a very well written longer solo ad will pull much much better.

There are usually word and length limits to these ads so when you are creating them, it might be good to check around at what the normal length of a solo ad is in your industry.

You might even check out the posting guidelines for other ezines so you can know exactly how long they like their solo ads.

The best bet to make a compelling solo ad is to work really hard on the headline. If you can write a very compelling headline for your ad, the rest of the ad should follow.

List Building Secret #17

List Building Secret #17 - Thank You For Subscribing Page

Simple enough. Get a group of publishers together and tell them you want to send new subscribers of your ezine to a page that recommends signing up for their ezine and that they do the same.

You see it all the time. You subscribe to an ezine you see on a website and once you subscribe you are taken to another page that recommends other peoples newsletters that you should join.

This is pretty much a localized version of co-registration, but it costs you nothing.

List Building Secret #16

List Building Secret #16 - Do An Article Recommendation

This is something I learnt from Aaron Wall and I only wish I was one of the publishers he joint ventured with in this deal, as it resulted in thousands of new subscribers for everyone involved.

What you do with this idea is get together 4 or 5 publishers again, they could be the same ones as before and get them to agree on running an article that you wrote.

That's it, nothing tricky, and if they agree to running this article they will get thousands of new subscribers virtually overnight.

What you do is you write an article about the best newsletters in your market, and those would of course be the publishers who agreed to run your article.

Make the article objective, don't just blatantly plug newsletters, write it like a news reporter would. Everyone who runs the article will get subscribers and you will get subscribers and everyone will be happy.

Sometimes you have to make things happen, especially with Internet Marketing, don't wait for people to contact you, YOU make it happen and you can do that, it's not hard, just think outside the box.

This method will also work for paid products aswell. You don't just have to plug newsletters, you could get all the publishers together and write an article about the best products in your market. This way everyone can make sales and affiliates sale just by running the article.

List Building Secret #15

List Building Secret #15 - Setup A Contest

This is my favorite method. Basically what it is, is you get a group of publishers all to agree on running a contest to their lists and you run the same contest to your list.

To enter this contest, these subscribers from your list must subscribe to the other publishers lists and vice versa.

The contest could be for anything, depending on your market. Perhaps the publishers you contact all have ebooks for sale, you could give a free copy of all your ebooks out to the winner. Anything with value with work.

You then setup a domain for this specific contest and put all the information needed on that. You then tell your list about the contest and where to go to enter and how. Everyone on your list who enters then gets subscribed to the other publishers ezine and you get their subscribers.

Here are the steps.....

1) Find 4 or 5 publishers in your market

2) Contact them and tell them your idea and that you are willing to do all the work, all they need to do is give you there signup information and something to offer for the contest

3) Setup a domain name and website/sales letter that tells people how to enter and all the information needed

4) Write a mailing piece that each of the publishers can use to promote the contest.

5) Get a firm date when these publishers will run the contest mailing piece and how often

6) Send these publishers the names and email addresses of subscribers

7) Add the subscribers to your list, make sure you check for duplicate email addresses so you don't add people already on your list

8) Pick a winner!

List Building Secret #14

List Building Secret #14 - Trade Ads With Other Publishers

This is a simple method of generating new subscribers instantly. Basically, you place an ad for other publishers newsletters in your newsletter and they do the same for you in return.

It's not something I'm a huge fan of, but it does work. But there are a few tips you should know.

Trading ad's for ad's with other publishers works well when your mailing list is small and growing rapidly. It's very hard to find suitable ad swapping deals that are worth your while when you have 10,000 or more subscribers.

So how can you find publishers that are looking to trade ad's? Easy! Do a Google search for the following.

"your market here ezine"


"Gardening Ezine"
"Gardening Newsletter"

Then just contact all the publishers you can and ask them if they are willing to trade ad space in their newsletter for ad space in your newsletter.

Don't just spam these people. Actually sign up for their ezine, look at their website, personalize any contact you make with them so they know you're not just harvesting email addresses and you will do well.

Some of the time you don't even need to trade ad's with people in your exact market. Let's say just because you run a gardening ezine, that doesn't mean you can't trade ad's with landscaping ezine. Do you get my drift?

Getting Your Readers To Advertise Your Blog

Swag, or Getting Your Customers to Advertise for You

On to coffee cups.  In addition to selling access to advertisers, it’s profitable to sell items directly to your readers.  Have you written a book, an ebook, or a research report??  Why not feature it prominently on your page?  Is your brand becoming famous?  Why not have a case of coffee mugs or t-shirts printed up and sell them on the site? If your readers identify with you and with your brand, selling swag is an excellent way to build upon that customer loyalty.

If you want to manage it all online, companies like Those Shirts will handle your sales and may even help design your swag.  They can even sell your shirts to customers coming from other sites.

A more profitable way to sell swag is to either install your own store software (not recommended for the amateur) or to set up a store through Yahoo!, Ebay, or a similar online merchant.  You promote your swag, passing your customers to your customized online store.  When they purchase your swag, your store manager processes the payment, giving you the money minus commission, and you ship the item out. Your local printer can certainly create all the shirts and mugs you can sell this way, and he’ll surely appreciate the business.

Swag, for a popular Blog Empire, can be the most profitable of all financial endeavors.  It builds customer loyalty; it gets your customers to promote your site; it tells you that your brand is valuable enough that readers want to become your allies.  But like any profitable business, the costs involved must be managed carefully.  It may be cheaper to bulk order T-shirts, but it will cost you more if they don’t sell.  The best way to profit from swag is to start small and establish a clientele, even if your profit at first is less than it might otherwise be.  Remember, think big but start smart.

Donations – “Ask and ye shall receive”

Have you ever visited a blog that displays your name in a banner ad?  Maybe your eyes have snapped across the page when you caught the sight of your own name, preceded by “Hello,” and followed by, “please make a donation.”  You’ve found a site that that is practicing the easiest way to raise money from satisfied readers: simply asking them.

 One popular system for soliciting contributions from readers is the Amazon Honor System.  The Amazon Honor System provides a secure process wherein your readers can make a discreet contribution by credit card to you for as little as one dollar or for as many as fifty dollars.

Once you sign up with the Amazon Honor System, you’ll receive HTML code to add to your blog. This code displays one of several non-intrusive banners with a button that allows the reader to get more information or make a donation (if your customers are Amazon customers, they’ll even display the customer’s name in the ad).  If that customer makes a donation, Amazon will collect the money, deduct their commission, and pass the rest on to you with a note telling you who made the donation.  You may want to make very occasional “thank you” posts (be very careful, however, about identifying givers and never reveal the amounts they donate).  This is a nice way to thank those readers who donate while reminding others that bloggers have to eat, too.

A second popular site for collecting donations is Paypal.  A Paypal button allows anyone who has a Paypal account to make a direct donation to your site. Like Amazon, Paypal allows the reader to make a donation by credit card.  Paypal, however, can also be integrated into another donation-type project you may also want to consider, that of special reports for your readers and a subscription or pay-per-view basis.

Subscriptions and Special “Insider” Reports

Most people are willing to pay for information they find valuable.  They buy newspapers, magazines, and books, so why wouldn’t they pay for your information?  The first reason is that you are giving it away for free. While some readers will voluntarily make a donation to keep you warmed and fed, the vast majority will not.

But if the information you provide is valuable, especially if it is of a financial nature, you may consider holding some back, offering special “insider” or “in-depth” coverage for those who wish to learn more.

One way to do so is to set up a special, secure website to archive your individual special reports.  When readers send you a subscription payment, you email them a password that will expire after a certain period of time.  A good example of this is George Ure’s Urban Survival, a blog dedicated to unusual and unorthodox economic trends.  Ure publishes a special weekly report, known as Peoplenomics, which lays out a weekly examination of one or more issues discussed in Urban Survival during the week. Back issues are cataloged on the site, so any subscriber has the right to go back into prior years, even when such reports are outside the bounds of their subscription period.  When readers’ passwords expire, they are simply removed from the master database.  Setting up and maintaining a separate list of passwords will not take a lot of time until you have dozens of subscribers.  By that time, your revenue will certainly cover one of the many commercial database management tools on the market.

The second way is to provide the reports through an auto-responder or via email.  With email, you simply create a list of email addresses and send your reports to them as they are written.  While this is easier at first than establishing a completely separate site, eventually your readers are going to request back issues or are going to lose emails, necessitating you spend a lot of time re-sending information  This manual process, if established, ought to be quickly transferred over to a dedicated site.  It’s a good beginning, however, if you’re just testing the market to see how your readers respond to the offer.

There are two caveats to consider, however, before offering special reports and information.  The first is that the commitment you are making must be kept, even if you have only one subscriber (and you will, at some point, only have one).  You must decide if the extra time and effort to make a special weekly report is worthwhile.  That subscriber is entrusting you with his money and expects that you will keep your end of the bargain by fulfilling your promises.  There’s no easier way to alienate your most faithful readers than by not giving them what they pay for.

Other than the time you spend providing the information, the most important consideration is whether the content is really valuable enough to demand a subscription.  If you have proven and useful insight that’s worth paying for, giving your readers access to it can be a paying proposition.  If you give the same information away on your blog two weeks later, or if your “insider” information is readily available elsewhere, your reader will rightly conclude that you have tricked them.

Remember, the long-term success of your Blog Empire relies on your integrity.  Keeping your promises, especially when they are directly tied to a financial contribution on the part of your readers, can make or break your reputation and your bank account

Friday, 23 September 2011

List Building Secret #13

List Building Secret #13 - Use Free Forum Posting

This is a great way to get not only more subscribers for your newsletter but recognized as an expert in your field. By posting helpful suggestions in forums in your market, you will get a lot of good attention.

I'm not going to get into a whole lot about this subject as it's pretty easy to get started.

1) Find forums in your niche

2) Read some of the back posts and see whos the boss, who posts good content and what the rules are

3) Start posting with informative information and include your little newsletter byline at the end of your post or in your signature file

What most people have a problem with is not writing good posts, but finding the forums to post in.

Now that work is done for you. Just enter the topic your newsletter is on into the website address below and you will find all the forums you could possibly want on those subjects.