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Sunday, 9 October 2011

Introducing How To Write Effective Copy For The Web

How to Write Effective Copy for the Web

In order to write effective copy for the web, there are two primary areas that you should look at.  It is the page title and the META descriptions.  Both of these are usually the first two things that a person will see when searching the web for a particular product or service.

However, this does not actually apply to all search engines or directories as some will not show the META description at all.  In some cases, they will show a snippet of the content from your site.

Below we provide a list of particular areas that you should focus on in order to write effective web copy.

1.  Page Title – This is the first thing that any visitor will see when carrying out a search on the web.

2.  META Description – Usually the second thing the visitor will see when carrying out a search through a search engine or directory.

It is important to remember that both of these are likely to be produced on the Search Engine’s Results Page (SERP’s).

3.  Heading Tags – This will relate to specific subjects within your site.

4.  Visible Content – This is another area of importance that you should focus on in order to produce effective copywriting for the web.    These are provided below in order of importance.

a.     Hyperlinked Tex and Title Attribute – This is frequently displayed as a “tool tip”.  Which is a short message that will appear when the pointing device (cursor) pauses over a particular object?

b.     Alternate Text Tags – This should be for an image and is not to be used for stuffing with keywords that do not apply to it. 

c.     META Keyword Tags – Unfortunately, due to abuse by unethical marketers and uneducated consumers these are not as strong as they use to be.  In fact, most search engines will no longer be looking at these as a relevancy factor during their search.  So it is important that you make sure the keywords you use in this tag are to be found in the visible content for the page. 

So effective copywriting for the web can only be achieved if you carefully research your keywords and keyword phrases.  What is the point of writing any copy, if you do not know what it is actually that your target audience is searching for?  By targeting the correct keywords and keyword phrases you are taking one of the most important steps in writing effective copy

Failing To Plan Is Preparing To Fail In The Field Of Copywriting

Planning your copywriting in Order to Succeed

It is vital that during the planning stage of your copywriting for the web, you understand what it is, exactly, you hope to accomplish.

You have already determined that you need to increase direct sales, build a subscriber base, circulate information, as well as provide technical support.  But in order to do this, you must make sure that your web copy can help you to achieve these goals.

It is important to decide who your ideal customer is and just what it is that they really want.  Then find and craft the words that will most effectively bring these people to your site. 

It is also important to remember that without a detailed plan, it will become impossible to know who you are targeting.  Without a target, you are likely to miss out on those people who are willing and eager to pay for your help and expertise.

So when planning your web copy, it is important to know that your target audience is normally smarter and more knowledgeable than the typical visitor to a site. 

Now that you have started planning, you need to start looking at whom to target. 

Targeting is used to figure out which customers will have any problems that can be solved by using your particular product.  It is therefore vital that you become an expert in relation to every single benefit that your product offers.  Then, once you are able to determine who you need to target, you can begin to search them out.  So start building a profile of those people who will benefit from your help the most.  Once you know who they are, then begin by repeatedly using strong web copy, and the most magnetic of the benefits your product can offer as bait.

At last, you have found your target audience, and now you must develop a strategy for writing your copy.  In order to do this, the best way is to do the following:

1.      In the first part, write about what exactly the customer wants.
2.      Match the tone of your writing to those that you are targeting. 
3.      When executing your copy it is important that you are able to present your idea to them in an easy way.

What is most important is that you think about all three of these things in equal amounts, and do not allow any one of them to overshadow the others