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Saturday, 17 September 2011

Letting Others Put Your Name Out There

Letting Others Put Your Name Out There

A final way to generate interested traffic is to send your entries to blogs that talk about blogs.  Slate Magazine features a column dedicated to blog entries about hot topics, and the Wall Street Journal’s “Best of the Web” daily column provides a daily look at newsworthy and amusing online content.  Sites like these can introduce your content to readers that might never find you otherwise.  As you travel the blogosphere, be on the lookout for anyone who might need your content.  Then provide it to them.  Don’t get discouraged if they don’t feature you every time.  Remember, all your fellow bloggers (the serious ones anyway) are competing for the same attention.

Keeping Readers With Expertise

You’ll draw your readers, for the most part, by promotion - by letting them know you exist.  But you’ll keep them, if you keep them, by giving them value for their time.  Remember, your readers are ‘paying’ you a visit.  They are ‘spending’ time on your site, and they expect to get something in return.  If your site is an opinion or news site, that something is your valuable opinion on a posted subject.  If your site is an art site, that something is quality content and commentary.

You’re the expert here, or ought to be.  You will be expected to know more about what you post than anyone else.  Being the expert means that you’ll have to work harder and longer than any of your readers.  It means you’ll have to dig and cull and study.  It means you’ll throw away 10 stories or articles for every one you post.  It means you’ll know what your readers expect and you’ll give it to them every time.  That’s the price you pay for readers who value your opinion enough to come back day after day and week after week.

Writing Unique and Valuable Content

Your readers expect you to write what no one else is writing – that’s why they’re on your site and not another.  This should not be difficult if you decided wisely when you designed your blog originally.  You’ve got to make every entry a masterpiece: something worth reading and something worth linking to.  Just posting part of a story with small commentary works in small doses, but everyone can read the news themselves.  Unless you have something worthwhile to say about a story, some valuable insight to present or relevant commentary that ties this story to other stories, it may not be worth posting.  Your readers return because they value what you have to say.  Don’t disappoint them by giving them too much unexpected fluff, and don’t simply rehash the opinions of others without giving your readers the satisfaction of your own. 

Writing Timely Content

Valuable content is content that’s both relevant and timely.  If you comment on the news, re-hashing an article from 2 years ago is not going to cut it.  If you present the sports, talking about a game from last fall – unless you tie it into the next game – is going to leave your readers uninterested.  Whatever you write, you need to tie it to today, right now, this minute. 

That means, unless your blog is a reference site, at least daily updates.  It usually means several updates a day.  Remember, you are a member of the new media, and the new media is on top of the news.  When your readers return, they expect that you’ll be ahead of them: that’s why they are coming in the first place.  You’ll have to set an update schedule that will keep you ahead of your readers. It is also another method of branding your blog.

Traded Links For Your Blog

Traded Links For Your Blog – a Valuable Asset

Here’s a little lesson in supply and demand: your demand for links will be insatiable but your supply will be limited.  The best possible world for you as a blogger would be to have every blog in the world sending traffic to you, but your blog will have only room to send traffic to a small percentage of them in return.  As a result, your links are valuable, and you should treat them as a treasured commodity: hoarded until needed and then spent with the attitude that you must squeeze the most value out of each one.

As you begin building your Blog Empire from a small duchy on the outer edge of the blogosphere to an empire covering much of its virtual continent, you will, to be honest, not have a lot to offer other bloggers.  Your traffic will be small. Your brand will be unknown.  The big blogs will ignore you and the little ones will do you no good.  However, that’s no excuse not to start trading your links for whatever you can get for them.

Do an occasional internet search for pages that link to you.  Many times, your control panel will pick up any page that links to one of your entries, but much of the time it will mean using Google, Technorati, or MSN searches to see who is linking you.  Then check out their blog to see what it might have to offer.  If it’s a teenage girl’s rant blog that seems to have 3 visitors a day or if it’s a blog that is updated monthly, it may not be worth a reciprocal link.  However, if you discover that it’s a popular destination for people who might be interested in what you have to say, then it’s probably worthwhile to drop in, thank the blogger for the link, and join in the discussion.  Those readers who are interested in your entry will probably pay you a visit.

Just remember, your links are valuable!  Check them constantly to ensure that each one points to a blog that is earning its keep on your front page.  Those blogs that have gone into hibernation or that have dropped you should be eliminated.  Cull your links repeatedly and mercilessly and always be on the lookout for opportunities to upgrade.

Link Exchange For Your Blog

Exchanging Links For Your Blog

A number of programs, known as “link exchanges,” will allow your link to be listed on the blogs of others, so long as you carry on your blog a small ad that lists the blogs of others who are members of the same program.  A link exchange works the same way as a blog ring, tying all the featured blogs into a big circle, with the exception that the blogs you link to may not be similarly grouped as they are for most blog rings.  When you sign up for the link exchange, you’ll receive credits every time your page displays the links of others, and your credits are used up as your blog is displayed on the blogs of other members of the link exchange.

While link exchanges are a convenient way for you to have your blog prominently displayed on the blogs of others, there are several possible side effects that you need to examine before signing up for any link swap program.

The first caveat is that, because link swaps are generally not grouped by subject or content, you may find that your blogs is linking to content that you may find objectionable, like adult content, opposing political blogs, or competitors in your industry.  Since it’s important to keep tight control on where you send your customers, it’s a good idea to watch the blog swap closely to ensure that you are displaying the content you want and that you’re not going to alienate your customers and readers by displaying offensive content.

The second issue you may have to deal with is the speed at which some applications operate, especially if they download a java application to your page.  Many load more slowly than the average page, forcing your customers to wait or ‘jerking’ the page they are reading back to the top once the application is fully loaded.  If the link exchange application is causing your loading speed to suffer, it’s probably going to cause you more trouble than it’s worth. Remember, your readers want to jump right in and read what you have to say.  Jerking the page around as soon as they dig in to your content is not going to make many friends. 

A final issue is one of cosmetics.  Because some link exchange applets are one-size-fits-all, the layout size or colors may clash with your blog.  Be sure that you can modify the application to make it unobtrusive before you put something on your page that will prove a distraction to your readers.  You want them to notice the links, but like everything else on your page, they should add to it rather than detracting from it.

Here are a few popular link exchange programs:

Be sure to look farther than this list, however, as there are certain to be link exchanges that cater specifically to your content or your geographic location.  If you can’t find one, you can always establish your own link exchange at Link Market

List Building Secret #5

List Building link building Secret #5 - Use Pop Up Windows

Pop up windows are still effective ways to get subscribers, especially in niche markets.

Creating popups on your website is as easy as pie. There are however a few different type of popup windows you can use.

The pop up window on exit, which pops up after you leave a website and the popup window on entry which obviously pops up when you first go to a website.

I prefer the exit popup. So when someone leaves  a page on your website they get a popup window asking them to subscribe to your newsletter.

This can get annoying so what you want to do is use a popup that allows you to tell if a persons already seen your popup before so it won't keep showing.

You can find these sort of popup scripts at.....

Or if you want a piece of software to do it for you, check out

Blog Directories To Submit Your Blog

Blog Directories To Submit Your Blog

With the popularity of blogs increasing every day, it’s nearly impossible for a reader to know what blogs exist and where to find them all.  That’s the beauty of the blog directory: it organizes and categorizes the thousands of blogs listed its database so readers can find your blog more easily.  Blog directories are generally free to the blogger, though they will often require you to feature a small, approved banner on your site.

To get listed in a blog catalog, visit them and submit your site, accurately describing your blog (an inaccurate description will result in less targeted traffic).  Check their requirements for banners and be sure to use the link they generate for you – this will ensure you get credit if another blogger joins from your page.  Most blog directories will require you to host their images on your own server space, so be sure to follow their directions.  Stealing their bandwidth is a sure way to get de-listed in a hurry.

Here are a few of the more popular blog directories, in alphabetical order:

Your Blog Rings

Your Blog Rings

The concept behind the blog ring is a simple one: similar blogs join in a ring, each placing a link on their page to the next blog in the ring.  Visitors interested in the subject those blogs feature, be it model trains or Green politics, are encouraged to click on the link that leads to the next blog.  It’s usually a bad idea to send your visitors away, but in this case you’re receiving a price for the service: other blogs in the same ring are sending their traffic to you.

The number and type of blog rings is limited only by the types of blogs online, which is to say that unless your blog is absolutely unique in the blogosphere, there is probably a ring or three that will meet your needs.  But be careful joining a ring simply because it exists – remember, you’re sending some of your traffic away, and it’s not often wise to send traffic to your competitors.  That’s why it’s important, before you join a ring, to surf it around once or twice.  You’ll not only get to see the competition, you may learn a way to one-up it, making your blog stand out in a sea of similar information.

There are specialized blog rings for Australian blogs, romance writers, even those who blog about knitting.  With a little searching, you can find a blog ring that fits your content perfectly.