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Tuesday, 13 September 2011

Using Your Blog Links Wisely

Using Your Blog Links Wisely

The vast majority of blogs feature a section or two that contains nothing but links.  They may be links to the bloggers’ other blogs or to related sites; they may even be links to every syndicated columnist online - such a scheme makes up a good portion of the Drudge Report, Matt Drudge’s headline news portal. If you feature links, you’ll be following the grand tradition of successful bloggers and doing your readers a service. We’ll talk later about using your links as an assets to increase traffic, but for now we’ll just talk about how they are laid out, and in layout, there are two rules to follow: use your links purposely and organize them effectively.

Everything on your page should contribute to your page, and your links are no exception.  They should be organized in a manner that helps your readers navigate them, whether alphabetically or by subject.  They should also each contribute something to your blog’s content.  Aunt Mabel’s cat blog may be really nice – and you may really love your aunt - but the readers of your open-source software blog will not be terribly interested in it.  Your links are an asset: distribute them in a way that maximizes your blog’s value, and organize them in a way that ensures your readers can find what they want.


Fonts, colors, links and artwork are all produced on the page in a layout, a format which ought to resemble the newly-cleaned bedroom of a small child.  There will be a place for everything and everything will be in its place.  There will be no toys shoved under the bed where a curious grandmother will find them and tut-tut.  The closets will be neat and well-organized.  The floor will be swept.  In other words, you’ll need to combine all the elements of your blog into a format that makes people feel relaxed and impressed rather than distracted by clutter. But how do you accomplish that if you have no artistic ability?  It’s not as hard as you would expect.

Most blog software comes with a series of templates, pre-formatted layouts that will put things where your readers expect them to be.  These templates will allow you to set fonts and colors, decide if you want one gutter or several, and place your own artwork on the page.  They will allow you to set up an archive, start a mailing list so your subscribers can be notified every time you post, and provide a standardized structure into which you can add the codes and features that will make your blog unique.  Just remember that every blog host and package offers different features (some are simple but don’t allow imported art, some require HTML knowledge but offer great latitude in design). If you don’t want to design the page yourself, professional blog designers, like Hoyt Station, can create an inexpensive layout to your specifications.


Objects are small pieces of code that will be added to your site to make it unique and to provide useful content for your readers outside of your own writing.  They can be as simple as a page counter or as complicated as an online poll or a RSS feed, but all will be laid out on your page with two ideas in mind: visual harmony and usefulness.

Your page, when viewed for the first time, should speak most loudly to your theme.  Whether your theme is artistic or political or technological, every object on the page should do its best to illustrate and reinforce that theme in the mind of the reader. 

Some objects, however, will not relate directly to your theme as much as they will to the operation of your site.  A traffic counter is a perfect example.  While bloggers are excited when their traffic grows and want to tell the world about it in capital letters and bold fonts, most readers are not terribly interested.  Therefore it’s good practice to feature objects that directly relate to your theme and content close to the top of your page where the reader will see it first.  Operational or structural objects, like a list of blogs that have sent you recent traffic, belong closer to the bottom of the page.

Remember, your objective is to catch the first time reader’s attention and to illustrate, in as little time as possible, the theme of your site.  Every object on your page should be placed with that in mind.

Blogging On Multiple Blogs And Websites

Stepping Up Blogging: Blogging on Multiple Websites

Several of the more popular multi-contributor blogs are run by people who have personal, perhaps non-related, blogs on the side, and when you blog successfully you’ll soon attract other bloggers who are so interested in what you have to say that they’ll want you to say it on their blogs. They may be blogs that provide multiple sides of your issue or that agree with your outlook but don’t specialize precisely where you do.  These are blogs where your commentary, even if you’re already linked, would fit well on the front page.  A successful blogger is always looking for chances to expand into new areas, and there are no rules that say you have to limit yourself to a single blog. However, you will need to assess your blogging skills and knowledge.

Blogging on multiple sites provides several advantages over simply assuring that you have reciprocal links with valuable sites because of a simple truth: since most blogs have dozens of links, no person can follow them all.  Getting your expertise in front of those readers is a good way to show them why they ought to pay you a visit.  It’s like a free sample of what you offer, and many readers who would never follow a random link will check you out if they like (or even hate) what you have to say.  And while you’ll want to save your best stuff for your own blog (or at least cross-post it there) it’s a good idea to always be on the lookout for sites that could use your expertise and give you the opportunity to put your work in front of a whole new group of readers.

Developing Content for Other Blogs or Websites

Even if your blog is not a “writing” blog, there are ways to get your fellow bloggers to feature your work and send visitors to your site.  The easiest of these – if you have some programming ability and a little creativity – is to create content they can feature on their own blogs (which of course, has a link to yours).  You see the concept everywhere, though you may not have thought about their possibilities even as you clicked their links. It might be a “test” that allows the person to decide what historical mass murderer they are, displaying a picture and a description.  It might be an insult generator, where they input a name and you give them a creative putdown for their readers to enjoy. It might display the ticker symbols and prices of their favorite stock.  Whatever it is to the other blogger and his readers, to you it is an excellent way to get readers to visit your blog, enjoy some interaction with it, and take away a bit of code which will in turn send you more readers, more traffic, and more customers. This could also be another tool for generating traffic to your blog.

If you have the ability to create amusing pictures – especially if your blog is dedicated to them – offering your readers the chance to use your stuff for the price of a link back to your site can garner you readers from all over who are looking for interesting and amusing content for their own blogs or web pages.  It’s a good idea to make your webpage name an unobtrusive part of every picture, so that even if the users of your content forget to link you back, your name will be out there, associated with creative and important content across the blogosphere.

The possibilities are limited only by your technical skill and creativity, and can mean hordes of people coming to your blog not just out of curiosity, but to page through your blog for a chance to put your work in front of their readers.

Profit Earning By Blogging And Protecting Your Image

Earning By Blogging and Protecting Your Reputation

Whether or not your brand is relevant to your content, it will quickly develop one relevant attribute: a reputation.  Everyone who reads your blog will come away with an impression, either good or bad.  They will like it or not.  Surprisingly, that’s not the most important issue for your Blog Empire, because no reader, not even your most loyal, is going to like or agree with everything you say.  The important issue is whether that reader believes your blog to be important.  If a reader does not find a blog important, she will probably not return even if she liked a story or two: there are simply too many other blogs to see.  If a reader finds your blog insightful, entertaining, and relevant, she will return even though she disagrees with your commentary or doesn’t like your layout.  In order to be a serious empire, your blog must exude seriousness.  That doesn’t mean your subject must be serious, but you must be serious about your subject.

For political and technology blogs, that means accuracy and timeliness.  Rumors must be noted as such.  Opinions must be noted as such.  You can be a partisan – in fact, your theme may be a very partisan view of something - but you’ve got to be fair to your readers, who will form an opinion about your subject based on what you say.  If your blog is an art blog, you’ve got to focus on quality.  If your blog features model trains, entries about your daughter’s dance recital will lose readers. If your blog is a reference or news blog, you’ve got to be thorough.  Once your reputation is established, readers will come to your blog to see what you have to say because they will expect you to know more than them.  If you miss the big story or are shown by later events to be completely off-the-wall when you said you were certain, they may not return.

Reputation is everything, so as you build your Blog Empire, remember what you want a reputation for and consistently strive to earn it

Introducing Writing Articles To Make Money With Adsense

Introducing, Writing Articles To Make Money With Adsense

Adsense is all the rage now, and there are so many different ways to make money from Adsense, but here is a method you've probably not tried and most people probably won't as it does take effort and time.

Most people seem to want to keep switching from automatic software generators to bombs to portal sites to directory listing sites, which is fine, but I have and always will stick to creating unique content that's informative and of high quality.

My method is not the only way to make money with Adsense, but I feel this is the best method for long term success, simply because it's been working well for me in different ways since I began Internet marketing a while ago.

This is a business idea that I'm doing right now and I believe it will make me a fortune in the long run.

What I've been doing is creating a site similar to It's a free site that shows people how to do a lot of different things. The best way to explain the site is just for you to go have a quick look now.

They have thousands and thousands of pages of content on all sorts of subjects and the way they get traffic to their site is through the search engines, which is all well and good if you want to wait awhile, but this guide is all about making money quickly.

Every page on their site has an adsense box on it and that's how they make their money.

They also have an Alexa traffic ranking of around 2000 which is great.

Trying to write that much content before making any money would be difficult, you'd lose interest quickly and trying to write that much content or even buy that much content in one hit would be lunacy.

I've always preferred to make money constantly even if the project is only half done or in progress. I find it gives me incentive to keep going.

So this is what I'm doing, and no I'm not going to show you my site because I don't want everyone copying it.

I registered a catchy domain name, something like or and I started writing little 500 to 750 word action plans on all sorts of topics and one happens to be on a favorite subject of mine, fly fishing.

When it comes to Adsense, you have to think like your website visitor. What is it they are looking to buy? There is no use putting something on my website about how to make money with your fly fishing passion because the advertisers with Adsense are selling fly fishing equipment not how to make money with fly fishing.

You need to make your content fit into the Adsense ads and I think that's where a lot of people go wrong with Adsense.

Back to the business plan:
Ok, so you've got your site up, you have a page up on a certain topic that had a fairly high search rate and Adsense payout rate, now what?

How do you make money with this page?

Write articles! For every one fly fishing type checklist write 10 to 20 articles on all sorts of subjects to do with your topic. I wrote close to 40 for mine and I haven’t become rich from it but if I can put up 500 similar checklists in the next year I will be earning a very nice income.

But how do you get people from reading your article to going to your website?

Well, not only would you mention your site within your article, (slip it in humbly) you also have your article byline you can use for that purpose.

For example
"For a complete checklist for your first fly fishing trip visit"


"For a complete step by step checklist for catching large Trout visit"

So not only will you make money instantly from your website, you will also build tons of quality content over time and you will have hundreds maybe even thousands of articles all over the Internet working for you around the clock and your site will do a heck of a lot better in the search engines due to all the incoming links!

This is a very rough outline, but you smart people out there will be able to run with it and add new ideas I haven’t even thought of.

This is one of those money machines that will make you money on demand pretty much for the life of the Internet.