Affiliate Marketing Point 15: Why Teleseminars Work
Affiliate Promotion: Teleseminars & Webinars
Teleseminars and Webinars have become quite popular recently. This is because they are highly effective. If they didn’t work, Internet Marketers wouldn’t be wasting their time with them. But they do indeed work, if they are done right.
It is important to understand the difference between a teleseminar and a webinar. First, a teleseminar is held over the phone, and an active Internet Connection during the call is usually not required. A webinar, however, may be held 100% on the Internet, or held via telephone with the ability to view webpages or slides over the Internet during the call required.
Teleseminars work because people feel like they are getting content from experts that they can’t get from a website. If you have built a relationship with your potential customers, and you have established yourself as an expert in your niche, then those people want to hear what you have to say.
They also like to hear from other experts in the field, so doing interview type teleseminars is also a great option. Before the teleseminar, simply send an email to those who have registered for it, and ask them what they would like to learn on the seminar. Use those answers to ask questions of your guest speaker on the call.
Getting experts to do a call is usually easy. They are not paid for this. Instead, they get to promote their product, for which you are hopefully an affiliate. Ideally, you would ask the guest to use your affiliate link during the call, and they will agree to this.
Teleseminars can be a one-time thing, which may last an hour or two. But ideally, a teleseminar series works best. This is where you have a call every week for a certain number of weeks, and you literally teach the callers something during the series.
If you are worried about the cost of a teleseminar, don’t be. You can use free services, such as Free Conference at . You only pay if you want the service to record the call, which is a good idea, and doesn’t cost very much at all.
Other than promoting the call, there are not other costs, and there may be no costs involved in promoting the call either.
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